±Û¾´ÀÌ: Brooklyn (
2014/10/8(¼ö) Load:34)

Where do you live? abilify 2 mg tablet Footage played to the jury showed the shot propelled Adebolajo away from the police car and several feet across the road. The three armed officers left the car to "neutralise" Adebolajo. But then they realised his alleged accomplice, Adebowale, had a gun.
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     TECHNOTE-TOP ¹öÀüÀ» ¿Ã¸³´Ï´Ù.
3667           lbiIXCbKjcZKYZHQfs  1 Isaiah    2014-10-08  112
3666           WvWFHQImLZyIIOR   Lillian    2014-10-08  118
3665           zbGsTVpZPkDZom   Jason    2014-10-08  112
3664           bxPHCZXCznTnUmlAYzW   Brooklyn    2014-10-08  108
3663           UMpZiSywPCJEZPRc   Bob    2014-10-08  113
3662           zXStTrHXXGWPCuojI   Lucas    2014-10-08  111
3661           zXStTrHXXGWPCuojI   Lucas    2014-10-08  112
3660           yBgIVgmuJvHCLnf   Logan    2014-10-08  115
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3656           GYRkUUddSifySWx  3 Brooke    2014-10-07  155

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