±Û¾´ÀÌ: Diva (
2014/10/5(ÀÏ) Load:43)

We'll need to take up references buy levonorgestrel online That said, the trio clashed over a lot of things. "The Jonas Brothers' breakup was going on for a lot longer than a lot of people thought. We hit a place where we just weren't jelling on the same things, and we didn't want to become a band that was worried about the fact that people didn't understand how cool we were," he explains. "The whole situation was breaking us up as a family, and we ultimately felt like we were holding each other back. I wanted to go sexier with a video, for example, and Kevin wasn't comfortable with that, for his reasons. I mean, he's married, and I get that. Nick also had a louder voice than me and Kevin when it came to music and major decisions -- he took a leadership role in the band, which got to us after a while."
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